ERP - Fido Business Suite
The enterprise management system “Fido Business Suite” is designed to automate the financial and economic activities of an enterprise, in particular:
- to create a single information space that includes all divisions of the enterprise and maintain a single centralized database;
- to automate accounting in a single database with the ability to maintain several general ledgers;
- to create a unified chart of accounts for the entire enterprise with a complex multi-level structure;
- to automate centralized management and control of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise;
- to automate the accounting of accounts payable and receivable of an enterprise;
- to automate the accounting of fixed assets and intangible assets of an enterprise;
- for automation of personnel management and payroll;
- to automate inventory management;
- to automate procurement management;
- to automate budget execution control;
- to automate sales management;
- to automate the accounting of costs and operating expenses of an enterprise;
- to automate the processes of generating mandatory reporting;
- to automate the processes of generating analytical reporting.
- centralized accounting of financial and economic activities of the enterprise;
- generation of analytical reports on the financial and economic activities of the enterprise according to various sections of the chart of accounts to ensure flexible, effective and efficient management of enterprise resources;
- ensuring full and timely awareness of management personnel at all levels;
- quick access to up-to-date information on the movement of cash and inventory resources both in the context of individual structural divisions and throughout the enterprise;
- reducing the time required to generate standard and analytical reports;
- reducing the time required to close reporting periods;
- reduction of the time required for consolidation and for the formation of a balance both for an individual division and for the enterprise as a whole;
- generation and receipt of regulatory reports in accordance with NAS;
- saving connections between accounting objects;
- exclusion of double entry of information;
- centralized control over the expenditure of funds in accordance with the enterprise budget;
- centralized accounting of receivables and payables;
- centralized procurement management and elimination of ineffective and high-cost procurement;
- inventory management and control over their movement;
- centralized sales management of finished products;
- reducing staff time spent on manual data processing;
- reduction of human and financial resources related to information system support;
- increasing the degree of fault tolerance and mobility of the information system;
- increasing the degree of data reliability and security.
- maintaining the organizational structure of organizations and divisions;
- working with classifiers that determine the possibility of using various functions at the level of a given organization (for example, maintainingstaff group);
- maintaining a directory of countries;
- maintaining a directory of areas;
- maintaining a directory of districts.
- setting up business transactions;
- definition of reporting periods;
- accounting for exchange rates;
- import of transactions from other modules of the enterprise management system “Fido Business Suite” of business transactions and transactions with preservation of the connections “Posting - Operation - Document;
- import of transactions from any other software subsystems by preparing files with transactions in an agreed format by these systems;
- manual entry and editing of business transactions and postings with preservation of connections “Posting – Transaction - Document” in the “General Ledger” module;
- automatic calculation of account balances and turnover - with the possibility of detailed analysis based on analytical characteristics (for those accounts where they are used);
- automation of the procedure for closing a financial period and calculating the final financial result of an organization by type of activity - using a mechanism for customizable standard operations;
- automatic generation of standard reporting forms for the entire chart of accounts or part of it (turnover balance reports, general ledger, order journals, transaction selections, etc.) in functional and foreign currencies;
- preparation and provision of standard and analytical reporting;
- preparation and provision of regulated legislative reporting.
- maintaining a unified multi-level chart of accounts for the holding;
- maintenance of financial accounting for a group of companies with receipt of reports both for an individual company and consolidated for the group;
- automation of the procedure for performing elimination operations (repayment of intragroup loans, settlements, investments, profits, etc.) - using a mechanism for customizable standard operations;
- construction of consolidated financial statements of the holding company (with the possibility of independent analysis of financial data and reporting of each of the legal entities or branches);
- differentiation of access to financial information by branches or legal entities of the holding.
Possibilities for monitoring budget execution
The “General Ledger” module allows you to connect functions for monitoring budget execution.
Budget indicators can be generated in various ways: manually; automatically, based on general ledger data; importing data from Microsoft Excel. Control over the execution of budgets in the system can be carried out using a joint ventureofficial forms and reports.
- formation of the enterprise budget and cost estimates;
- the ability to build reports based on budgets and financial obligations to create a financial plan;
- possibility of forming a financial plan based on fixing obligations in the list of financial obligations;
- the ability to import a financial plan from external tables;
- automated control over the execution of the financial plan:
- the ability to control the amounts of payment orders at the time of entry or approval for compliance with financial lines. plan;
- the ability to receive reports on the execution of the financial plan;
- centralized accounting of cost budgets within a separate enterprise or group of enterprises:
- availability of a formalized model of cost, procurement and payment budgets;
- the ability to import primary cost estimates for departments from external sources;
- automatic generation of a general register of costs by type of expense;
- automated control of primary documents (applications, orders, contracts) for compliance with the procurement budget:
- control for compliance with the procurement budget by type of expense at the stage of entering the primary document;
- control for compliance with the procurement budget by type of expense at the stage of approval of the primary document;
- distributed control over compliance with the procurement budget by type of branch expenses;
- availability of reports on budget execution results.
- maintaining a unified directory of banks;
- maintaining a unified directory of counterparties;
- maintenance and accounting of contracts with counterparties;
- formation and processing of primary documents;
- tax calculations and tax reporting;
- multi-currency accounting, automatic calculation of exchange rate and amount differences;
- automatic generation of payments;
- automatic generation of invoices;
- preparation and provision of standard and analytical reporting;
- preparation and provision of regulated legislative reporting;
- generation and export of accounting entries to the “General Ledger” module.
- the ability to independently enter invoices from suppliers with the subsequent transfer of costs to receipt orders and certificates of completed work (price operation);
- the ability to automatically generate invoices from suppliers based on entered receipt orders and work completion certificates;
- the ability to obtain information about accounts receivable and payable by the timing of the debt and decipher the amount of debt to specific primary documents;
- automatic calculation of entries for exchange rate differences, revaluations of foreign currency debt at the end of the period;
- the ability to automatically generate an invoice for the buyer based on a shipping invoice or a certificate of completion;
- the ability to customize printing methods for all necessary primary documents (invoices, invoices, shipment orders).
- accounting for recorded VAT in the context of supplier invoices, automatic submission of VAT to the budget upon receipt;
- keeping a log of incoming and outgoing invoices;
- automatic generation of a purchase book and a sales book based on the payment documents, invoices, prepayment invoices available in the system and the completed operations of matching receivable and creditor documents (linking operations);
- maintenance and automatic generation of additional sheets for sales and purchase books;
- automation of accounting of powers of attorney for the right to sign primary documents.
- automatic generation and printing of reconciliation reports with counterparties;
- tracking the reconciliation status: “sent to the counterparty”, “confirmed by the counterparty”, “rejected by the counterparty”;
- accounting for the next reconciliation of the date of the previous confirmed reconciliation.
- centralized accounting of contracts with suppliers and customers within a separate enterprise or group of enterprises;
- the ability to automatically link documents to a contract and contract stage with control over the amounts of linked documents;
- the ability to view all documents linked to it from the contract;
- monitoring the execution of the contract by responsible executors at all stages;
- possibility of maintaining balances for settlements with suppliers in the context of contracts.
- the opportunity for different legal entities of the holding or separate branches of the company to conduct settlements with counterparties and build the necessary reports in a single database - both for each of the legal entities (branches) and for the holding as a whole;
- differentiation of access to information for employees of different legal entities (branches).
Module “Cash Management”
It is a tool for recording cash flows in bank and cash accounts, accounting for various types of debts and transactions with accountable persons.
The Cash Management module allows you to keep records on current, foreign currency and special bank accounts.
The module allows you to enter bank statements, both manually and automatically, and compare them with system data.
The main functions of the Cash Management module are:
- maintaining an arbitrary number of current accounts in specified currencies;
- maintaining bank statements, recording checksums on statements, controlling the posting of documents:
- manual entry and editing of bank statements;
- reconciliation of bank statement lines;
- editing and monitoring bank statement errors;
- automated entry of bank statements;
- posting payment documents with the formation of transactions for standard transactions;
- accounting for transactions on current and deposit accounts in functional and foreign currencies - entering incoming and outgoing payment orders both manually and automatically through integration with Bank-Client systems;
- automatic revaluation of foreign currency bank accounts;
- generating accounting entries and exporting to the General Ledger module;
- formation of operational and analytical reports on balances and turnover of current accounts for any period;
- reporting on monetary transactions - availability of standard analytical and accounting reports generated in the form of workbooks in Microsoft Excel format.
- Entering and printing expense reports;
- automatic generation of transactions depending on the directions of use of accountable amounts;
- revaluation of debt of accountable persons in foreign currency;
- the ability to control the expenditure of accountable amounts within the budget.
- maintaining an arbitrary number of cash registers in specified currencies, accounting for transactions and balances using target codes;
- accounting for cash transactions (cash flows) both in the functional currency and in the foreign currency of a specific transaction;
- Printing cash receipts and debit orders, loose sheets for the cash book, cashier reports, analytical transcripts.
- operations with assets (arrival, disposal, movement, etc.);
- depreciation of fixed assets and intangible assets;
- maintaining a register of fixed assets and intangible assets;
- calculation of property tax;
- revaluation of fixed assets;
- accounting for capital investments.
- the ability to maintain records of fixed assets of different legal entities or separate branches of the company in a single database;
- limitation of access to information for employees of legal entities (branches);
- the possibility of separate storage and automatic generation of accounting and tax values, which ensures the maintenance of tax accounting of fixed assets strictly in accordance with the requirements of regulatory materials;
- availability of reports generating the amounts of permanent and temporary differences for their reflection in tax accounting;
- automatic calculation of currency equivalents of the cost of fixed assets, taking into account advance payments;
- the ability to keep records of leased equipment by client and inventory number;
- generation of all types of primary documents (warehouse receipt order, invoice, documents for internal movement, documents for shipment, acceptance of leased equipment, etc.).
- formation of primary accounting forms OS6, OS1; OS 4, etc.;
- automatic generation of transactions for all transactions;
- possibility of organizing a revaluation of the cost of the operating system;
- support for accounting of costs and expenses for unfinished and uncommissioned objects;
- OS inventory (availability of the “Inventory Sheet” report, which allows you to build the necessary list of objects for inventory);
- accounting for future expenses with the possibility of automatically assigning them to expenses evenly or using a custom algorithm
- availability of a set of standard analytical, accounting and tax reports provided in Microsoft Excel table format.
- unified definition of storage locations by item, batch and warehouse for the entire enterprise;
- control of inventory, serial and batch numbers;
- determining storage locations for items and inventory management rules;
- dividing batches into parts and tracking these parts to different storage locations.
- maintenance of control reports on all adjustments, changes and movements of inventory;
- support for batch reservation rules.
- distributed scheme: reflection of the fact of receipt at the warehouse only in quantitative terms, followed by entering an invoice from the supplier and transferring the cost to the lines of receipt orders by the accountant (price operation);
- integrated scheme: the entire operation is entered into the warehouse (entering a receipt order, automatic creation of an invoice, pricing);
- a scheme for accounting for “uninvoiced deliveries”, which allows you to evaluate receipts at a standard price with subsequent adjustment of this price when an invoice is received (used if there is no invoice from the supplier for the receipt order in the reporting period).
- The ability to create a system of multi-level sets (one set can be included in another), which allows you to implement various data models for product distribution and reflection in warehouse and cost accounting.
- Quantitative accounting of inventory items in temporary storage warehouses, secure storage warehouses or customs warehouses.
- Cost accounting of inventory items using various methods for estimating write-off costs: FIFO, LIFO, Average or Dynamic (accounting based on the actual cost of the batch).
- The ability to use a set of different cost estimates for a specific item item for different accounting entities (legal entities, branches, sales divisions, etc.).
- Possibility of independent adjustment of cost and warehouse accounting data.
- Possibility of organizing off-balance sheet accounting of inventory items (former interbank items) under the report. Automatic generation of write-off entries from storage accounts to cost accounts when moving from the warehouse to the materially responsible person (MRP), and the availability of information on the quantity and cost of materials assigned to each MOL.
- Out of balancesecond" movement of inventory items accepted for safekeeping or processing, not accompanied by postings or accompanied by postings using off-balance sheet accounts. Reflection of the return of goods and materials to the supplier with the write-off of the cost of goods and materials at the current write-off value, with the occurrence of the supplier's debt at the historical price (delivery price) and with the automatic calculation of deviations and the formation of entries for deviations.
- Formation of documents for internal movement. When moving inventory items between remote divisions of the company, it is possible to record inventory items in the warehouse on the way.
- Availability of a standard set of analytical, accounting and tax reports on the movement of inventory items (turnover sheet, warehouse portrait, invoice registers, etc.) in Microsoft Excel format. 1
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