Reception system payments
PC "Electro Record"
The goals of creating the PC “Electric Accounting”:
- Creation of a unified centralized database of electrical energy consumers;
- Increasing the labor productivity of specialists of the divisions of SJSC "UZBEKENERGO" of all levels involved in the technological processes of supply and payment for electrical energy with consumers;
- Improving the quality of service to consumers of the UZBEKENERGO SJSC network;
- Reducing operating costs associated with the processes of accounting and payment for electrical energy with consumers;
- Increasing the level and efficiency of collective work of specialists of SJSC "UZBEKENERGO";
- Increasing payment collection and return on investment;
- Automation of the processes of accounting and payment for electrical energy with consumers based on On-Line technology;
- Ensuring maximum information for consumers of the UZBEKENERGO SJSC network by providing them with services for remote access to the settlement resources of the sales company, in accordance with the required level (standard) of information disclosure;
- Standardization of sales processes at all levels and areas;
- Prompt receipt in real time of data on payments, disconnections, concluded contracts;
- Ensuring the ability to control departments at all levels;
- Reduced deadlines for submitting output reports;
- A significant increase in management mobility, which allows you to quickly make decisions on many issues. In addition, as a result of increasing the accuracy and accuracy of calculations, time losses are reduced and the quality of accounting is improved;
- Providing the ability to conduct operational control of metering and consumption of electrical energy (power) subject to the interaction of the Elektrouchet PC and automated systems for monitoring and accounting of electricity consumption (AS KUE);
- Implementation of a distributed infrastructure for electronic information exchange and interaction between various divisions of SJSC UZBEKENERGO.
Problems to be solved:
- Automation of maintaining personal cards of household and legal consumers linked to the distribution zone, and indicating all the necessary details for the functioning of the complex;
- Automation of consumption metering and payment for electrical energy by household and legal consumers;
- Automation of providing consumers with reliable and sufficient information for correct and timely payment for electrical energy;
- Automation of accounting and movement of electrical energy metering devices;
- Automation of calculation of balances of consumed electrical energy at substations and distribution centers of enterprises and organizations, taking into account standard losses and actual load in transmission devices;
- Automation of calculations for electrical energy losses on the supply line to consumers, and obtaining information about deviations in calculated and actual losses; calculating the balance of resource receipt and consumption in order to identify and calculate imbalances;
- Automation of the provision of reporting documents for each level of the hierarchy of SJSC "UZBEKENERGO" - distribution zones, PTPPs and branches of SJSC "UZBEKENERGO";
- Automation of various payment options with legal and household consumers:
- through commercial banks and Uzbekistan Pochtasi;
- via PAYNET;
- via SMS tools (chamber of commerce).
- Automation of providing operational information to consumers:
- via your personal account;
- via SMS messages.
The Electric Accounting PC consists of the following subsystems:
- Administration,
- Maintaining regulatory and reference information
- Accounting and settlements with legal consumers,
- Accounting and settlements with household consumers,
- Accounting for technical equipment,
- Monitoring the activities of departments
- Providing operational information to the consumer
- Ensuring migration (conversion) of data from legacy systems
- Ensuring claims activities
- Interaction with external systems
- Formation of regulated reporting,
- Formation of analytical reporting,
- Calculation of resource consumption plans,
- Current state of the consumer (Showcase),
- Accounting.
Administration subsystem
The “Administration” subsystem of the “ELECTROUCHET” PC is intended for registering users and user groups, storing and changing their data, for assigning access to the resources of a specific division and other divisions of the State Joint Stock Company “UZBEKENERGO”, for maintaining information about the organizational structure of the divisions of the State Joint Stock Company “UZBEKENERGO”, and as well as setting the operating parameters of all other subsystems of the ELECTRIC ACCOUNTING PC.
Subsystem “Maintaining reference information (RNI)
The subsystem “Maintaining normative reference information (RNI)” in the data center of SJSC “Uzbekenergo” is designed to store, maintain and keep up to date all reference information used in performing the functions of the system and organizing the synchronization of relevant data, autonomously operating divisions of SJSC “Uzbekenergo” with data in the data center of SJSC "Uzbekenergo" within the framework of the tasks of centralized management of reference data.
Subsystem “Accounting and settlements with legal consumers”
The subsystem “Accounting and settlements with legal consumers” is intended for maintaining contracts, settlements and payments for consumed electrical energy with legal consumers connected to the electrical networks of SJSC UZBEKENERGO.
Subsystem “Accounting and settlements with household consumers”
The subsystem “Accounting and settlements with household consumers” is intended for maintaining contracts, settlements and payments for consumed electrical energy with household consumers connected to the electrical networks of SJSC UZBEKENERGO.
Subsystem “Calculation of plans for electrical energy consumption”
The subsystem “Calculation of plans for electric energy consumption” is intended for entering a plan for PTES and calculations for each RES in the context of consumers for the billing period.
Subsystem “Accounting for technical equipment”
The subsystem “Accounting for technical equipment” is designed to account for technical equipment involved in the processes of accounting for electrical energy consumption, their movement and maintenance.
Control of the activities of RES and TPES
The subsystem provides control and monitoring by the management of SJSC "UZBEKENERGO" over the activities of the divisions.
Subsystem “Providing operational information to the consumer of electrical energy”
The subsystem “Providing operational information to the consumer of electrical energy” is intended to provide the consumer with information about the status of the personal account and receive information from the consumer in the form of applications via the Internet and mobile cellular communications.
Subsystem “Ensuring data conversion from legacy systems”
The subsystem “Ensuring data conversion from legacy systems” is designed to automate the processes of data transfer from legacy systems at the stage of putting the “ELECTROUCHET” PC into operation. The functions of the subsystem must ensure control of the completeness, integrity and reliability (where possible) of the transferred data and issue appropriate protocols of the transfer processes for decision-making and additional data auditing.
Subsystem “Supporting claims activities”
The subsystem “Supporting claims and claims activities” is designed to automate the processes of conducting claims and claims activities with consumers of SJSC UZBEKENERGO.
Interaction with external systems
PC "ELECTROUCHET" carries out information exchange with the post office, commercial banks, the PAYNET system, the State Tax Committee (State Tax Committee), the 1-C Accounting program, ASKUE, and cellular companies.
Subsystem “Formation of regulated reporting”
The “Generation of regulated reporting” subsystem is designed for the preparation and issuance of regulated reporting in various formats.The developed reporting forms meet the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents.
Subsystem “Generation of analytical reporting”
The “Generation of analytical reporting” subsystem is designed for the preparation and issuance of analytical reporting in various formats.
Subsystem “Current state of the consumer (Showcase)”
The subsystem “Current state of the consumer (Showcase)” is designed to generate and provide employees of the subscriber department of the Distribution Zone with data on the state of the consumer’s personal account on the day of viewing.
Subsystem “Accounting”
The “Accounting” subsystem includes “Synthetic accounting” (total entries in accounting accounts) and “Analytical accounting” (providing information on accounts for each consumer) for integration with 1C-Accounting.
System architecture
The Elektrouchet PC consists of interconnected software modules implemented in a three-level architecture (“thin client”) and operating in real time (On-Line).
The functioning of the system is ensured by the interaction of the following main components:
- Main and backup data servers;
- Application and security servers;
- Communication server.
The communication infrastructure is based on the SJSC Uzbekenergo’s own corporate data network (CSDN), communication infrastructure provided on a lease basis, Internet channels, mobile and public telephone networks covering the territory of the Republic and ensuring the interaction of all types of front offices of its own divisions of SJSC Uzbekenergo and front offices of divisions of other organizations and departments interfaced with the data center of SJSC Uzbekenergo.
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